Pumpkin Seed Oil - Scrub a Lil Deepa

Pumpkin Seed Oil – Skin-Strengthening, DHT-Blocking & Nutrient-Rich

Pumpkin Seed Oil is a highly nourishing oil known for its ability to strengthen the skin, promote collagen production, and provide deep hydration.

It is also rich in natural DHT blockers, making it a popular choice for hair growth and hormonal balance.

Vitamins & Minerals Source Extraction Method Region & Country Benefits for Skin & Hair
Zinc, Vitamin E, Phytosterols, Carotenoids Pumpkin Seeds Cold-Pressed Austria, Slovenia, USA Boosts collagen, calms inflammation, supports hair growth

Where Does Pumpkin Seed Oil Come From?

Pumpkin Seed Oil is primarily sourced from Austria, Slovenia, and the USA, where pumpkins are widely cultivated for both culinary and skincare use.

The Styria region of Austria is particularly famous for producing some of the highest-quality Pumpkin Seed Oil, known for its deep green color and rich nutrient content.

While pumpkins are grown worldwide, the best cold-pressed oils come from European and American farms, where the seeds are carefully processed to retain their skin-nourishing properties.

Fatty Acid Type Percentage Range Function in Skincare
Linoleic Acid Omega-6 45-55% Helps retain moisture, reduces redness
Oleic Acid Omega-9 25-35% Softens skin, supports the lipid barrier
Palmitic Acid Saturated 10-15% Provides a protective layer, prevents water loss

What Does This Mean for Your Skin?

Pumpkin Seed Oil is a powerhouse oil for strengthening and repairing the skin barrier while also supporting hair health.

  • Linoleic Acid: Supports hydration and soothes irritation, making it great for sensitive and acne-prone skin.
  • Zinc & Carotenoids: Promote collagen production, helping to maintain youthful, firm skin.
  • Phytosterols: Help block DHT, supporting hair growth and preventing hair thinning.

Fun Facts About Pumpkin Seed Oil

Fun Fact #1
Pumpkin Seed Oil is naturally green due to its high chlorophyll and carotenoid content.
Fun Fact #2
Studies suggest that Pumpkin Seed Oil may help block DHT, making it beneficial for hair loss prevention.
Fun Fact #3
Pumpkin Seed Oil has been used in traditional European medicine for centuries to promote skin and hair health.